10 kinds of exercise suitable for different children, parents must remember to be killed

10 kinds of exercise suitable for different children, parents must remember to be killed10 kinds of spo

10 kinds of exercise suitable for different children, parents must remember to be killed
10 kinds of sports suitable for different children.80%of parents have chosen wrong !!!
1. Badminton
Suggested school age: more than second grade
Benefits: It can improve vision, increase oxygen volume, and strengthen the strength of the limbs suitable: children with long arms and long explosive power
2. Tennis
Suggested school age: more than third grade
Benefit: exercise the brain’s reaction ability, strengthen the coordination of hand and feet: children with strong wrist strength and good physical fitness
3. Swimming
Suggested school age: above the first grade
Benefits: Enhance physical fitness, bodybuilding body, helping to grow taller: children who are good at water and are not afraid of water
4. Basketball
Suggested school age: more than third grade
Benefit: help children grow taller and strengthen team consciousness
Suitable: liveliness, active, vigorous, unconvinced children
5. Table tennis
Shenzhen basketball coach Deng Yuanwang
Suggested school age: more than second grade
Benefits: Protect vision, enhance concentration, and coordinate the limbs suitable: calm, calm and thoughtful children
6. Roller skating
Suggested school age: above the first grade
Benefits: Correcting the walking posture and improving the ability of interpersonal communication are suitable: children with lively personality and outgoing sunshine
7. Football
Suggested school age: above the first grade
Benefits: Improving the function of the respiratory system and promoting muscle development is suitable: children who are strong and strong and have a team spirit
8. martial arts
Suggested school age: above the first grade
Benefits: Improve cardiopulmonary function, improve temperament, and increase body defense skills suitable for: energetic, tough children
9. Running
Suggested school age: above the first grade
Benefit: enhance lung capacity and promote metabolism suitable for children: children with strong will and strong goals
10. Equestrian
Shenzhen running coach Zhi Renqi
Suggested school age: Fourth grade or above
Benefits: Shape a beautiful posture, improve temperament, and exercise leaders’ ability to exercise leaders: not afraid of horses, and children who have certain requirements for themselves
10+1. Ski
Suggested school age: Fourth grade or above
Benefits: Enhance your child’s attention and concentration, satisfy the child’s curiosity.